IoT Condition Monitoring

Revotech Group provides solutions for condition monitoring of rotating equipment and energy consumption monitoring. The system is designed as a plug and play solution with cloud data hosting and online AI and analytics tools.

    3 Axis Vibration with AI Monitoring
    Energy consumption
    Flow meters

3 Axis Vibration and Temperature Monitoring Sensors

One gateway installed on sites connects to many sensors using the Wirepas Network.

    Electric Motors
    Any application with bearings

Cloud Data and AI Machine Health Monitoring

All data is transferred to cloud storage via WiFi or celluar data netorks using local sim cards.
Online tools can be accessed from anywhere in the world and real time data and asset condition can be easily viewed. Online tools provide temperature profiles, RMS and FFT plot of vibration.

Two times a year you can ask for verification of the AI analysis on your machines within the standard subscription.

All our IoT services are subscription based with no up front investment in hardware.

Energy Consumption Monitoring

Easy to install sensors that clip around power cables to monitor energy consumption. Cloud accessed monitoring is provided to maximum your operation efficiency and reduce costs.

Data is harvested 24/7 from your power cables.

    1A-60A (+/-0.1A or 2%)
    1A-200A (+/-0.1A or 2.5%)
    2A-600A (+/-1A or 3%)